car shipping scams

Car shipping scams are rampant –


There are a lot of unsavory characters out there that will be trying to take your money. There’s also a big difference between GOOD companies and BAD companies. Some BAD companies are not trying to scam you, but your car shipping experience won’t be great, and if something goes wrong you won’t have protection.


(For the sake of this article, the terms “carrier” and “broker” however different they are, are considered one in the same. Carrier and Broker are used interchangeably in this article)


There’s not a lot of regulation – believe it or not – in the auto shipping industry. For instance, a carrier has up to 30 days to deliver your vehicle before it is considered an issue. Some carriers offer written guarantees to deliver within a smaller, more reasonable timeframe (say, 14 days cross-country) and cover rental car costs if they deliver late. Some carriers make these claims verbally but leave it out of their contract and legally avoiding any responsibility to pay. “Where the rubber meets the road” is the written contract and the protections it affords you (or doesn’t!).


Avoid car shipping nightmares by following a few guidelines that were built to help you find a reputable business to ship your car.


Here are some questions to ask your prospective carrier:


Do you charge ANY deposits?

  • Yes – AVOID.
  • No – good.


Is this price all inclusive? Does it include fuel surcharges, tolls, taxes, everything?

  • Yes – great.
  • No – May I have a list of your fees?
    • Yes – receive list and proceed.
    • No – AVOID.


How long have you been in business? (Trust but verify with business licenses, BBB, or other reputable info)

  • 20+ years – BEST.
  • 10+ years – great.
  • 2 years or less – be wary.


Tell me about your insurance. Will you send me your insurance certificate?

  • Standard coverage is $100,000. Be wary of anything less.
  • Zero/No/$0 deductible is best.
  • Won’t provide details/is vague/won’t provide certificate – AVOID.


In the contract, check for information on:

  • Rental reimbursement
  • How to file a claim
  • Deductibles
Let us help

We’ve pre-screened carriers across the US (at no charge to them or you) and have a running list. We do not sell leads. We do not keep your information. We’d be happy to share with you the name and number of a reputable carrier that picks up where you are and drops off where you need it.  Please fill out a couple pieces of information and we’ll connect you to a known-good carrier.




Reputable carriers do not take deposits, period. Predatory companies will commonly ask for deposits. Some things that can happen after you pay a deposit:

  • You never hear from them again and your car doesn’t get shipped (disappearing act)
  • They’ll pick up your vehicle then demand more money (hostage)



Read the contract. Some companies make promises they don’t intend to keep – and they purposefully leave them our of the contract.

  • Ensure the contract covers their promises
  • Read and understand your rights



The best predictor of future success is past performance. Read about the carriers/companies. Have they been around? Do they have good reviews? With Auto Transport, issues DO arise; how do they handle problems?